Saturday, January 12, 2013

finger tattoo

 The best ring finger tattoo designs are actually small "cuffs" that are meant to fade around the edges of your finger and only look like a ring from the top of your hand.  This way, you are not left with unpredictable patchy spots on your under-finger or side-finger, and the tattoo has a greater chance of staying exactly the way you put it  there in the first place.

I love your site and have a question about getting tattoos on your fingers. My husband and I recently went to our favorite tattoo shop on our anniversary to get wedding band tattoos, only to be told that they won't tattoo fingers because the ink doesn't hold well. Do you find this to be true with yours? Do you have to keep getting them touched up? I'd really like to know your thoughts on finger tattoos.

The singer has the outline of a large hand with crossed fingers printed on his forearm - but he's yet to confirm whether it's real or just a doodle by one if his band mates who love to scrbble on each other's bodies.

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